Give me cool hair ideas

Okay so I have a deal with my SO that 2 weeks from now I can get any crazy haircut I like (not that he ever forbade it but he didnt encourage it either)

I am a short caucasian girl, I have brown hair, brown eyes and my hair is hella long. I guess till the middle of my back? I havent cut it since sept 2018, i moved abroad and just didnt really get around to it and always said you cut it 2 weeks b4 you left it can wait

But its been half a year and its time

Besides that its kinda a reward, more a motivation. I am going trough something hard but im gonna have to do it for 2 more weeks. If i succeed this is my reward basically. It might sound silly but its a great motivator.

He said that he will never speak an ill word about what i get and even if i have a pink mohawk instead of disliking how it looks he'll just focus on the fact that he likes that i succeeded at what i am doing xD.

In case you need more info, my hair is hella straight. I am lazy as hell so i wont be styling it every morning. I had a pixy cut once, I loved it washing was a breeze. Brushing not neccesary and I just slabbed in mouse and hair spray to keep it out of my face whenever i worked (i worked as a server, i wasnt allowed hair in my face). I didnt love the fact I had to touch it up basically every month but it was worth it. But even then not a single curl or something. So its not like cutting in short will increase the volume and curl level whatsoever. Its also not super thick so styles that require volume just wont do for me. Other than that its brown and thin. Not much more to say about it.

It looks a bit like this I guess

So please give me all your suggestions that dont require to much care after the cut.