Shitty Mother’s Day.

Anyone else have a bad mother’s day?

I took care of our 2 year old this morning even though I asked him the night before to maybe wake up at 7am and grab her like I do so maybe I could sleep in a little for once. He said, “that’s never going to happen”, and laughed.

At about 12pm he finally woke up, and showered and got ready and took us out to lunch.

After lunch I thought he was in a good mood so I asked if he could give our baby a bath and put her to bed so I could relax this evening.

He told me no.

Game of Thrones was on tonight and that’s more important.

So he’s alone in our bedroom watching youtube videos and tv, while I give our baby a bath and wait to put her to bed.

Is my fiancé an asshole or is it just me...?

I feel I deserve more.

Do women actually have it better than this?