Husband didn't do anything for mother's day

I hate to get upset over something so silly but I am hurt. I'm a stay at home mom to a 3 year old and my husband and I have been trying for another baby for over a year but i struggle with infertility issues and have had multiple miscarriages, my last one just a little over a month ago. Anyways today my husband didn't do anything for mother's day for me. Not even a card. He verbally said happy mother's day but wasn't even particularly nice and he worked all day today so I was just all alone with my toddler. It was pretty sad. I kept thinking he'd surprise me but he came home from work and went to bed. I didn't want a fancy gift or anything, I actually don't even like him spending lots of money. But a homemade card from my toddler or something would have meant the world. It's just that I go above and beyond for him and our kid. Just last week I baked all these homemade baked goods for his co-workers for a special week they had even though I wasnt expected to. I clean nonstop literally our house is always spotless, I cook homemeade meals every single damn day with only organic or natural or healthy foods from scratch, I am literally the sole caregiver for our kiddo because he works and I feel like it's my job. Not to make myself sound like a saint but I do a LOT for my family. It feels so awful to be so unappreciated. Am I overreacting?