How long do I wait?


I ended up having an emergency c section with my baby. We want another baby but I do not want another c section. I know they will want to do one because I had one previously. I had to have it because I was induced with my IUGR baby and the anesthesiologist messed up putting my epidural in and when he finally got it placed correctly it basically stopped my labor. They kept increasing the pitocin until both baby and myself were is distress. I couldnt breathe and my baby was dying. Things started getting blurry as they rushed us to the OR and i remember thinking "this is it. I hope they can at least save my baby" and then I blacked out. By some miracle they saved us both. I was pretty much disabilitated for 2 weeks after birth due to a spinal migraine from my messed up epidural. Then the doctor messed up my blood patch too.

So I REALLY want a natural birth for my next child. No epidural. No c section. How long should I wait before getting pregnant again to ensure I can have a vbac? Baby girl is 9 months old now.