Xulane patch throwing off my cycle...


Up until the beginning of the year I was on the Xulane patch for about a year and a half. We decided to stop birth control and start trying for our first! I have heard that coming off (hormonal) BC can go either very smoothly where your periods will just continue on as normal or not so smoothly where you’re completely thrown off by the change in your hormones. If you’ve been on the patch you’ll know that the week off from the patch is going to be shark week. So obviously this period came as usual because it was “scheduled” by the patches and my next period was also perfectly on time so we naïvely thought we were in the clear and I had graciously been given the smother of the two roads. We were wrong. Cycle 3 turned out to be 40 days long (my usual, not on BC, cycles averaged somewhere around 27-29 days). I’m in cycle 4 now and today makes day 50...

Should I be concerned?

Should I take a pregnancy test just to see? Should I just go to the doctor and figure it out that way?