Scary dreams!!! 😧😱😢

I don’t know what’s going on lately, but I e been having some very weird and some very gory dreams! Like I just woke up from a dream that my grandpa and dad were watching a show in front of my siblings that stared The Rock and he killed a mom and then threw her new baby against the wall and killed it! Like blood from the baby splattered all over the wall! It was so horrific!! I started yelling at my grandpa and dad about watching it, saying that if my grandma were here she’d be very disappointed in them for watching such a show. Then I have dreams that are just super weird. Like I had one where Gandalf the wizard turned into a giant panda and many more weird ones. If my dreams keep being as awful as the first though I’m gonna start losing a lot of sleep. I’m scared as to why my brain would think of something like that?!