Neg. test day before period but now 2 days late


My husband and I have decided to try for baby #2! Our son is 4 1/2 years old now. He was born Jan. 2015. I keep joking with him about not giving me another January baby. 😂 we really want to have a baby that has a warm birthday! Bc that would just be fun! Our current birthday parties consist of being stuck inside with all our family with no fun game or blow up bouncey houses outside.... any ways! I have been off my birth control for 4 months now. Thinking it may take me some time to conceive considering I’ve been on it for years now. I’ve tested early Every month And my period always comes. Which is always dead on time!! expect this time I tested the day before my period and it was negative but now I am 2 days late!!! I have not tested Again😳 in a way I’m freaking out. This is what we want right?! But then if I am pregnant that puts my due date 4 days after my sons birthday!!! That means two Christmas and three weeks later two birthdays to follow!! And I usually go all out for my kid! 😫😫 it kind of stresses me out to be honest!! Someone shed some light for me!! I need positive vibes!!!