It goes so fast. But so slow


It feels just like yesterday that I was only 8 weeks. And looking back at this is crazy. And then that ultrasound at 24 weeks feels like forever ago yet so recent. And now I’m about to get my 30 week 3D/4D scan in 3 days.

Feeling like I’ll never make it through. Feeling like this is taking a lifetime since the day I found out at 7 weeks. But looking back from where I am now it feels amazing and shocking. When someone asks me how far along I am it’s so crazy that I can finally say 29 weeks (or 30 ya know. Rounding up 😂) and to hear people say things like. Wow you only have about 2 months to go, or you only have about 10 weeks left. Its so crazy. In 3 days I get to see him again, and in only 33 days is my baby shower finally, and in 77 days is my due date. Everything is so close and I know when I get there it’ll feel like time went by so fast. But for now. It feels like everything is forever away.

Basically. I feel very blessed to have made it this far and I can only hope that no matter how slowly it feels, like it may be dragging on, that I make it through the rest and that my baby comes into this world happy and healthy when he’s ready. Even if it takes a little longer than 10 weeks I guess. 💛🍼🌷