
Amber • 28. Boy/girl twins born 12/12 💙💜 ♥️

So, today I'm at 6 weeks 4 days and had my first OB appt. Last week I had went into the ER due to spotting and cramping. The doctor then said everything looked good and told me I was having twins. Today at my appointment my OB said they weren't able to hear the heartbeat and have scheduled me to come in next Thursday for another ultrasound. I am trying very hard not to be upset but when I was 18 I had a miscarriage and it all is too similar of situation of how it was then. This is my first pregnancy since then, 10 years ago. I'm trying to be positive and think that maybe it's too early like they said but it's so hard not to think the worst. Has anyone had similar situations and heard the heartbeat later on?????? Any advice helps. 😥