

Curious if anyone else is dealing with a prolapse in the group?? I had a prolapsed cervix with my son in 2017 from about 12 weeks - 20 weeks, until my uterus raised. My pelvic floor never went back to normal after birth and doctors have told me once I am done having babies that I will have to do some intense physical therapy to get back to normal. Now I am 11 weeks into pregnancy #2 and I am now dealing with a full uterine / cervical prolapse... my Midwives aren’t worried yet, but this time around is definitely a lot more worrisome! According to the doctors this kind of thing doesn’t happen to women my age (29 with my first, 31 with my second) and is very uncommon for women who haven’t had multiple pregnancies 5+... or at least that’s what the research out there says... so just wondering if anyone else is out there???