My MIL is driving me up the wall

Long MIL rant.

So, I’ve been dealing with a passive aggressive MIL.

She and my husbands stepdad live 3 hours away, just moved a couple of years ago but have always had a strong connection up here with friends and fun events and of course family. So they would frequently stay in our guest room. Which wasn’t so much of an annoyance at the time because I was always out and about but then we had our little one and they were staying with us to help which I appreciate.

But..since they’ve left I have made it a point to turn that guest room into a play area for our little. Husband is on board completely but my MIL keeps bringing up the fact that she got HER bedroom taken away. Every time she face times she mentions to our little who by the way is a baby so I know it’s directed at us; she will go about saying how she doesn’t know where she will stay to visit little now. So she hopes she doesn’t forget her 🙃

Mind you, she has friends she’s always welcomed to bunk with and has a bunch of times, they have another daughter to stay with and tons of money so they can afford a hotel.

She will frequently say things to the baby that I know are probably directed toward me. She seems to really dislike the closeness my sister and I share and I think there is some jealousy because my sister which is besides our babies aunt is also godmother, we hang out all the time so she’s always with our babe and is a great aunt. My MIL will always say to the baby I don’t want you to forget you have TWO aunts, she has said that frequently. She will also tell me that if I don’t let my baby self soothe I am spoiling her.

She has probably brought up the room thing Atleast 7 times and this room was just taken a month ago, she mentions the aunt thing a lot too.

She has said some things to me over the years that are hurtful as well but says them in a cheerful tone. A couple of weeks after having my baby she looked at me and said “wow, you’re ALMOST skinny again”

There’s a lot more, but that’s the kind of passive aggressive I deal with.

She also didn’t tell me happy Mother’s Day yesterday after I even told her, and we talked a few different times that day.

Does anyone else deal with this?