Rare case of Male infertility


Hey all!

My husband and I have a rare ( or so the docs like to say) male infertility case. I'm hoping maybe someone can give me some insight on this. Here it goes:

At the beginning of the year my husband and I had been trying to concieve for a year. We went to the doctor to get fertility check ups. All my tests came back normal. His first semen analysis came back as low motility and anti sperm antibodies.

He had an appt with an urologist. The urologist diagnosed him with varicoceles. He also ordered another semen analysis that would specifically check for the anti sperm antibodies. Last Thursday we got the results back. My hubby didnt tell me any numbers but he said that they told him the antibodies come and go and that

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>

was our only options.

Has anyone else been through this? If so did anything help?

I also recently purchased fertilaid. I have heard good things about it.


Update: a couple weeks ago we saw the urologist to go over hubby last semen analysis. The doc said that we have a 5-10% chance of conceiving naturally, but he does have viable sperm. The doc doesnt even recommend the surgery to correct the varicoceles. The good news is that the condition could go away on it's own. There is a chance the body could become tolerant of the sperm and stop creating the antibodies.

So pretty much we can concieve naturally we just need the one good sperm. This coming January will be two years tftc if it's not our time this year.