Am I ovulating? Am I close? What the...


I have never used non-digital OPK’s. I like the Easy@Home OPK’s so far but I’m not sure how to tell if this is positive or not. Am I close to ovulating? I am CD 17 currently. I took Letrozole 7.5MG CD 3-7. This is my first round. I took Provera to start my period and take Metformin and a Prenatal daily. Any suggestions? All my others tests the days before this have been faint to where you can’t even see the first line and a super dark control line. This was today’s with my first morning urine at 8:30A.

UPDATE: Second test. I just took this 11:32A. 1 minute time mark!

UPDATE: This is my strip at the 5 minute time mark!

UPDATE: we BD at noon and will again tonight! 🥰
