So the surgery is finally over


So my husband had his surgery to help his t levels and sperm count. He got it April 3. He seems to be doing well. His sex drive and energy levels are up so much it’s amazing. He hasn’t been like this in years. The doctor told us he fixed a total of 15 veins from both sides. His balls are so much cooler then they used to be. I’m just so scared tho that it’s not going to bring his sperm count up, then everything we did to try and get it up will all be waisted. He doesn’t get another sperm check till July so we won’t know till then. Does any one have any encouraging words of how this may have help your man or maybe even if it didn’t (like

nothing at all changed, even his energy or sex drive) I just need something to hold me over till July lol. We’re gonna start trying again next month so wish me luck, I’m so tired of tracking and everything that goes with it.