another cycle monitoring month


Just had my follow up appointment. The doctor said from my biopsy they discovered my lining is about 2 days ahead from where it should be so that can effect implantation. My levels of estrogen and progesterone are out of wack and my prolactin levels very high. Ovulation didn’t happen. Every thing else was normal. They wanna do another month of cycle monitoring to see if I ovulate again and to see my blood levels to determine if I need medication. They also will probably be giving me a trigger shot once they see the egg is good size and to check if I for sure ovulate. I’m kinda sad I thought I would go in and figure out a treatment plan and start next cycle. She also right away started talking about <a href="">IVF</a> I was shocked .. I thought maybe all I would need is medication but I could kinda tell she thought the medication wouldn’t work cause I said what about medication. Maybe it’s all in my head... but kinda worried that immediately <a href="">IVF</a> was brought up, makes me think maybe my problems are serious? 😕 anyways gotta go through all those ultrasounds and blood work again my next period 😭 I wish there was an actual real life support group where women could get together and talk about this because i’m in a really dark place right now