PMS Week Pep Talk

So I get pms anywhere from 1 to 2 weeks prior to my period. every month seems to be different depending on the circumstances. last month i was in physical pain for 2 weeks but emotionally great until like... 2 days before my period.

this month i havent had any physical symptoms but my emotions are WHACK. lol

does anyone ever get reeeeeally implusive during pms week? like all i wanted to do all day was sneak out of work and just go home... haha i knew that was not a good idea OBVI. so instead i chugged through the day and then coming home i was like "f*** it i want a drank". drove to the liquor store for some rum and lemonade 😂😂😂😂

all this to say.... HORMONES ARE CRAZY AND WE ARE BADASS FOR DEALING WITH THEM EVERY MONTH. if u feel like shit and feel like a crazy person just let me be the person to say you are not alone and you are a frickin WARRIOR for dealing with the insanity of being a woman.

much love to y'all. we got this.🙌🙌🙌