Infertility/ivf causing miserable marriage

Anyone else’s marriage/relationship going to shit?

We keep arguing all the time. A lot of it is probably my fault as I’m so hormonal all the time but he doesn’t have any sympathy and doesn’t understand so I think him snapping at me makes me feel even more unloved. I feel like I’m in this alone.

He doesn’t do anything nice for me anymore, he doesn’t even do simply chores without being asked loads. If I say anything to him then he just says I’m putting him down and making him feel shit so there’s no point even saying anything.

We have had a argument today, he’s left the house and is staying his dads. I’m at home alone, upset. We haven’t spoken since this morning. I don’t know if he even cares.

I just feel like maybe that’s why we can’t conceive because it’s just not meant to be. Maybe the reason why we can’t conceive is because we just aren’t meant for each other.

We just started <a href="">IVF</a> and there has been a delay and push back because the injections didn’t work right for me, is it a sign? Should I just not be a mother? Maybe I will be a terrible parent and just shouldn’t have kids.

I feel so alone and everyone is living their perfect lives around me. I’m just a mess ☹️ I guess this was just a rant.