How to Know You've Found the Right Prenatal Vitamins

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Are you taking prenatal vitamins?

Women who are actively TTC usually already know about the importance of taking prenatal vitamins, but unless you're actively preventing pregnancy, it's worth considering because...

If you were to get pregnant, the prenatal vitamin acts as a form of insurance that the baby will get the nutrients it needs at a crucial stage of development – before you even know you’re pregnant.

So what's in prenatal vitamins, and what do they do?

What makes prenatals special? What's even in them, and what effect do they have on your body? Here's a quick look at some of the main ingredients in prenatals, and what you can expect from them:

  • Folate – This vitamin is actually the main reason why experts recommend taking a prenatal vitamin before you know you’re pregnant. Folate deficiency is linked to an increased chance of birthing a baby with spina bifida (a neural tube defect).Recommended: 400 mcg

  • Iron – If you aren’t getting enough iron, it could put your pregnancy at risk. Pregnant mothers with anemia are at greater risk of having an underweight or premature baby.Recommended: 17 mg

  • Calcium and vitamin D – These nutrients are always important for mom and baby, but they’re especially vital during the third trimester when the baby’s bones are growing rapidly.Recommended: 400 IU Vitamin D, 70 mg calcium

  • Iodine – Iodine is essential for the baby’s thyroid and brain development, and this nutrient isn’t found in most foods we eat.Recommended 150 mcg

The following are also essential for a healthy pregnancy, and there’s a good chance you aren’t getting them from your diet alone.

  • Magnesium – Magnesium is a mineral that’s involved in hundreds of chemical reactions within the body, and some studies show that magnesium may help reduce the risk of complications like premature labor.

  • Choline – New research from the American Medical Association recommends that pregnant women get adequate levels of choline to help the baby’s brain and spinal cord develop properly.

  • Omega 3 Fatty Acids – You can only get this important fatty acid from food, and the American Standard Diet is severely lacking. DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) is a form of Omega 3 fatty acid that’s especially important because it supports the brain, eyes and central nervous system.

Prenatal vitamins and nausea

So why don’t all women take prenatal vitamins instead of a standard multivitamin?

Well, if you’ve ever taken a prenatal vitamin, you might already know the answer.

Prenatal vitamins are often what people call “horse pills.” They can be ginormous, foul tasting and tough to swallow. And when you’re dealing with morning sickness, most prenatal vitamins feel more like cruel and unusual punishment than nourishment.

If you think about it, it makes sense because there are so many important nutrients in these vitamins. However, that doesn’t make it any easier to swallow.

To help combat the issue, many manufacturers simply divide the nutrients into various pills — but this could have you swallowing up to six pills daily.

Ritual takes a different approach.

Because of their patented nested approach, they can fit more in a smaller package. And a delayed release formulation helps make the vitamin gentler on a sensitive stomach.

So, have you found the right prenatal vitamin?

When it comes to your health, you’re in charge. Talk to your doctor about the nutrients he or she recommends. You can also do your own research for peace of mind. Then, it’s all about finding the right prenatal vitamin that vibes with your lifestyle. If you’re like most of us, you’ll end up with something small and easy to take. After all, when all is said and done, the best prenatal vitamin is the one you take every day!