Rainbow baby is angels twin!? πŸŒˆπŸ’™


March 3rd 2018, my daughter Amelia passed away, while I was in labor. She was born still via emergency csection. We knew that after we got cleared by the doctor, we wanted to try again. So plenty of therapy later and getting clearance from the doctor, we started TTC. For 7 months we tried and failed, month after month. Negative after negative. But a week before my husbands birthday, in November, I finally got the BFP that we had been waiting for!! Shortly after, we found out that we were having a little boy! As of now, we have made it to 30 weeks. We have 6 more weeks left, before my scheduled Csection! At 29 weeks, I always get a 4D/HD ultrasound. To mine and my husbands surprise, our angel handpicked her little brother and he looks just like her!!! I couldn't help but to cry as soon as I saw his sweet little face because it was like going back in time to Amelia's ultrasound. Although he was a bit more pouty πŸ˜‚ below I have their comparison! Declan Daniel is on the left and Amelia Rose , his big sister, is on the right!!! 🌈πŸ₯°