Need Opinion on sperm analysis


So this was my first cycle on clomid everything looked good I had 2 follicles on the right side and I was about to get the trigger when the doctor said my husbands sperm analysis came back with low count, round headed sperm and they were all dead..... so she wouldn’t give me the trigger. We did another sperm analysis and same thing... funny thing is my husband got me pregnant last year which ended in MC and he also got an ex pregnant (before he met me) so how is this even possible? So basically my OB said there was nothing else she could do for us and now we have an appt in AUGUST with a real fertility clini which is fine, but Hubby also went to see a urologist that just referred him to the fertility clinic too.. shouldn’t they be trying to figure out what’s going on with him??!?!? I’m losing all hope and faith in the medical system right now 😡😡😡😡

The urologist tested him for infections bc the analysis made it seem like he had an infection and all cane back negative and I just had a pap with std screen in April which came back neg also so wth 😡