Dark lipstick (reddit wouldn’t let me post this)

My parents are on the entitled side, something I didn’t fully realize until I got engaged. I mean, I always knew they weren’t right in the head or just controlling, but I was hoping it was just a dumb rebellious teen thing... since that is what they always said it was. As you can see already, they are the stars of this story.

My parents are manipulative, narcissistic, lazy a-holes. They treat my brother as a second bank account, but that’s a story for another time. But since getting married, I have been exploring myself fashion and makeup wise, since my husband encourages me. He loves it when I put effort into my appearance and finds me super sexy when I feel confident and try something new, like dark lipstick, or dramatic eyeliner.

What does this have to do with my parents or even grandpa, you may ask?

Welp... growing up, my parents would put me down or even call me derogatory names if I even tried as much as an unnatural shade of lipstick... OR ANY lipstick.

“Makeup should look NATURAL!” My mother would say.

“Take that off, who are you trying to impress?!” My dad would say.

From 12-19, I was put down, teased, bullied, and sometimes called white trash or slutty for wearing Smokey eyes, red lipstick, or anything that showed off curves or didn’t make me look like a hobo.

My mom was a “Tom boy” through and through. She hated makeup, kept her hair short, if she put effort into it, she would actually look like a “Karen.” She’s lazy, and hates putting effort into her appearance. My dad... well, crocs, flip flops, and tees are his go to.

As a girlie girl, I was starved. I hungered for makeup, jewelry, sparkles, and NICE clothes. My grandma ADORED me. I was the daughter she never had.

Let’s finally get to the STORY.

I had been on a Weightloss journey and have finally decided to say “EFF IT! This is MY year and I am gonna use my birthday money for make up and Goddamn SEXY dresses.”

And so I did. My husband took me makeup shopping on my birthday and I bought it, THE lipstick. THE L’ORÈAL ROSEBLOOD INFALLIBLE PRO-MATTE LIQUID LIPSTICK. The DARKEST shade I have EVER had. Because, YES, I am worth it. I felt like a total badass bitch. And while my husband isn’t a fan of the shade, he loves that I love it.

Then... my parents saw it.

Mom: “WOW! That is DARK.” *grimace*

Dad: “That is really dark.” *fakest of smiles*

They say nothing the rest of the day and just stair every chance they get.

Mother’s Day comes. It is the only long lasting lipstick I have, so I wear it. Not the brightest of choices, but the reactions from people were worth it. For the FIRST TIME, I DID NOT CARE. I LOVE this lipstick and how it makes me feel.

But, the WHOLE time I was with my family, my parents were trying DESPERATELY to get people to tell me how bad it looked or how it was too dark and made me look goth. I just responded with. “Well, I love it and so does hubby.” “Well, I don’t FEEL goth... so... what does it matter?” Blow after blow was met with a smile, laughter, or pure apathy and sarcasm.

My grandma threw the biggest fit, but she was schnockered from too much wine, which made her criticisms mean less than NOTHING.

Grandpa only said “Yep, that’s pretty dark.” Then left to listen to music. He didn’t seem to care.

My parents though, my mom mostly, wouldn’t quit.

Now, today.

Grandpa is in the hospital and I decided to keep my makeup to a minimum, and knew better than to wear such dark lipstick to a hospital where we want spirits high.

My brother, who is constantly manipulated by my parents, felt the need to point out how happy he was to see me without the lipstick.

I decided to tease him and say, “well, if you miss it, I got it in my purse.”

My parents freak out and say “NO! Your grandpa would not like that!”

Me: “He didn’t seem to care on Mother’s Day.”

Mom: “Your grandpa always told me to keep my face natural.”

Me: “Because you’re his daughter...”


Me: “so.....?”

Mom: “SO?! Plus, guys don’t like lipstick.”

Me: “Hubby begs to differ... he likes this lipstick.”

Mom: “I had a boyfriend who kissed me and said i tasted like wax when I wore lipstick. I didn’t wear lipstick again.”

Me: “And...? Just cuz of ONE boy?!”


As my dad would say. Can’t argue with stupid. And you certainly can’t argue with controlling people. I am a 24 year old, married woman. My husband loves it when I wear eye makeup and lipstick and when I do my hair. He already finds me attractive, but finds me drop dead sexy when I feel it. I couldn’t argue with this woman because well, we all know she’s being ridiculous, trying to control how much make up I wear. What’s the point of make up if you can’t have fun with it?

Here is the lipstick: it looks black or dark purple, but in the right light, it’s a beautiful purple-red.