Bleeding 14 weeks


Hi there! Yesterday morning I woke up to find a I was bleeding (A LOTTTTT). Naturally, I freaked out and we rushed to the hospital since my OB was still closed. After a terrifying wait, we were relieved to see two (I’m having twins) healthy heartbeats and babies!! No one saw any bleeding on the sonogram or anything wrong. They said it just happens sometimes and people bleed during pregnancy.

I’m supposed to just take it easy for a few days and only go back if I start bleeding intensely again or get cramps. Since the hospital, the bleeding has stopped. I just have dark brown when I wipe which I am guessing is leftover.

I am still freaking out. Just wanted to see if anyone experienced this? I have an OB appt in 4 days just to make sure everything is still okay but I can’t help let my mind wander.

Thank you!