Birth control help ??!??

I’ve been on birth control since April 2018 still on the same brand (pill) I take it at 9 PM local time BUT I have been traveling a lot recently to different time zones so I still take it at 9 PM local time WHERE I live so:

9 PM central time -> 7 PM pacific time

I would take it at 7 PM to stay on track with my local time. Is this okay? I haven’t had any spotting issues by doing this but I am just curious if this even matters?

ALSO I haven’t been the best at taking it recently. Even when I’m home and not traveling I will simply forget and wake up in the middle of the night to take it or take it the next morning. Being forgetful, combined with trying to stay on track to my local central this increasing my risk of pregnancy? I am in a relationship and we do not use any other form of birth control. I’m planning on talking to my doctor about switching to a different method in which I won’t have to always remember to take the pill.