
I have been growing my hair out since 2012 (used to keep it as short as my mother would allow me, and took scissors to it a few times to keep it that way) and yesterday I finally had enough.

I wanted to take a 5 min shower and realized I needed to wash my hair. With curly hair I only comb it when I condition it in the shower and it took me 20 min. to de-tangle and wash it all. So I came out of the shower and told my husband that when he got home my hair would be shorter.

My mother had a harder time than anyone else with this news (I always was boyish growing up and she is envious of my long hair) but my husband said that he loved me and he didn’t care what length my hair was at just as long as I was happy.

So I did it, cut off over 4 inches. 🤞🏻 I can manage better. 4 inches might not be a lot to some. But I haven’t had my hair this short since I was in high school.

This was the longest my hair has been in the last year (during the summer it changes to an almost blonde tint on the ends) :⤵️

If you want to cut your hair then go do it!