It finally happened!!

Tori • Wife to my amazing husband 🧔🏻 Mommy to a beautiful two-year-old girl named Charlie 👧🏼 Trying for baby number two 👶🏼

After a year of trying, three rounds of Clomid (then seemed Clomid resistant), a HSG procedure, one round of Femara, gave up for a couple months, did another round of Femara, and FINALLY we’re pregnant!!! I’m still in disbelief even though I’ve peed on plenty of things that says I’m pregnant, and I’ve even had blood work drawn that says I’m pregnant! It’s just had to believe it when you’ve been trying for what seems like a long time. We’re finally pregnant with baby number two!

Here is the first two HCG tests I took that came with my ovulation tests.

And even though they were visible, I went out and bought a first response test, and that gave me for validation that I’m pregnant!

I found out I was pregnant on the two year anniversary of my little brother passing away, and the day before Mother’s Day! What a great surprise, right?! Here’s the shirt I wore to tell our mother’s I was expecting!

I had my progesterone and beta levels tested on Monday, and my beta was 228, and my progesterone was 21.8 I believe. My OB is thinking, based on my labs, that I’m 4-5 weeks, but according to when I ovulated, I’m just now 4 weeks! I’m having my levels redrawn Monday just to make sure they’re climbing as they should be!! Good luck to you all trying out there! Who in the world would think it’d be so hard to get pregnant when some women accidentally do it all the time. Much love to you all, and good luck. ✌🏻❤️✨