Nexplanon Obese and Pregnant???


Hi Ladies, 

I need help! I have had the Nexplanon for 2 years now and I have gained a lot of weight. I'm roughly 300lbs with a BMI of 48. I know I'm obese and I've been trying to be more active etc for my health. I do NOT I repeat do NOT have a period because of my Nexplanon implant. I was feeling a little weird these past couple of days... insomnia, nausea, upset stomach, fatigue etc etc... but just chalked it up to being overweight. Someone suggested to take a pregnancy test and I did and I SWEAR I saw a faded line. What do I do? Do I wait a couple more days and retest? Is it possible to be pregnant with the Nexplanon? How do I know how far along am I? I would appreciate anyone and everyones help. I am 27 years old and I have a 6 year old daughter and a 2 year old son, I was NOT expecting this since I rarely ever have sex LOL