Need advice! SAHM burnout..


I have an 8 month old and I’m a sahm. To my husband this means I should be taking care of my daughter every single day. With that being said, I do everything for her through the day, from 6am, til bedtime. He gets home from work and she’s already sleeping. He takes the “night shift” although she sleeps through the night now. All I want is to sleep in until 8am on the weekends. Lately, he has been telling me I don’t need to sleep in and literally brings the baby into bed with me after he has fed and changed her as if to say your turn. He gets all the free time, I let him come and go and do what he wants, example I sat at home while he took out our boat from 6pm-midnight. Am I irrational for wanting a break? Should I not be allowed to sleep in on weekends? Any suggestions for how to go about this? This is just leading to resentment and anger towards my husband.