Need advice please

Ok so two days ago my stomach was hurting on the right side (ovulation pains) and I had a ton of clear long slippery discharge that day and the day before. I mean like a whole lot of it. (It’s been like this around this time every month lately) Anyways i also has the same discharge yesterday but it wasn’t as much (I’m assuming I ovulation two days ago when I had the ovulation pain) Anyways I’m not quite ready to be pregnant again. But I haven’t been on birth control in months because everything I tried was making me really sick for some reason. So me and my husband been using condoms the past few months well yesterday we both was just soooo into the mood so we agreed to have sex without a condom this time and he would pull out before he cum. Welll that’s wasn’t a good idea. Since it’s been so long since we made live without a condom it felt absolutely amazing and we was so into we both came and he came deeply inside me. I wasn’t to worried because when my son was 9 months old we kept trying to get pregnant and it took about 3 months before it happened. So since it didn’t happen right away last time I’m not worried it’s going to happen this time either (btw I have a 6 month old baby girl right now) and yes I know your super fertile after having a baby but I heard that was only like the first 3 months after. Anyways so year that happened yesterday and to add to it we also did it again today and we thought since yesterday happened and we got to finally do it without a condom that maybe today we actually be able to stop this time before he cums. Welll nope he came in me again. So yeah. I’m wondering if it’s possible if I could get pregnant like how likely could it be? I’m only asking this because im pretty sure we did it after I ovulated so I think we are safe but at the same time I’m not sure.

Btw before people give me hate about this. If I did get pregnant even tho we are not ready right now I will still be happy and enjoy my pregnancy I absolutely loved being pregnant with my other two children.

P.s sorrry it’s a lot to read & sorry for any typos