Microfiber-only inserts?


I was given a big box full of inserts that someone had given to a friend of mine. So I have no way of knowing what exactly they are. But they appear to be inserts that are microfiber on both sides. I think a lot are g diaper, 2 or 3 Charlie banana, others unknown. I'm trying to figure out how to use these. I mostly have Nickis AIOs. I was thinking about buying fleece to make liners and then using the AIO shell multiple times.... any ideas? My little guy is pretty short and I always felt like the inserts I had were too long, even now at 16mo. So I thought about trimming these new ones to fit and keeping my original inserts super nice for resale. We practice EC though so I catch a lot of pees and he hasn't pooped in a diaper since he was 3mo. So they are honestly really nice still. Anyways, what do I do with these? Pass them along or use somehow?