Asking doctor for FMLA for anxiety?

I hate the be THAT person who needs FMLA but I honestly have been suffering with anxiety my whole life. Recently though, it has gotten out of control. I’m not sure why. I have been using a ton of my vacation time because I emotionally can’t deal with the world. I need days to just recover from everyday activities. I plan to see my dr tomorrow to hopefully get on meds but I want to ask her if she can write me note for FMLA when I need a day off. I’m not talking like I need two months off just a random day here and there. I know FMLA gets abused at my workplace but I know I need it. I am eligible for it as well. How do I even bring it up? I feel like such a loser even asking her but I will end up being fired if I don’t do something. Also should add it’s not a long term thing. Hopefully once I find the right med I can go off FMLA. I have tried many meds in my early twenties (I’m 30 now) and nothing worked so I gave up but I cannot do it anymore because it’s causing issues with my children, bf, family, work...