Boyfriend giving me shit for not wanting to be around alcohol

I’m 21 weeks pregnant and I’m so frustrated cause I literally have no friends who ever want to hangout and just do normal shit but always are getting wasted.

Well my boyfriend does something every weekend with his friends and I’m just frustrated cause I have no one, understandable thing to be frustrated about right?

Well he tells me it’s my fault I don’t have people to hangout with because I “refuse” to be around people just cause they are partying. And I still need to “socialize”.....

Are you fucking kidding me. Why would a pregnant women want to go to a party on the weekend and just sit there secluded JUST to say I got to go out?

I’m so frustrated and sad honestly 😭😭😭😭😭 no one ever texts me back or wants to hangout unless it’s me doing them a favor or there’s alcohol involved.... am I wrong?