What's your exercise plan?


I've been exercising since like...right after birth 😂 (easy delivery, no tearing, and wasnt even sore after having her) and I've made decent progress but am so stalled out at 7 weeks post partum.

I was 146 at full term. I'm 4'9 it doesnt seem like a lot, but I'm short so 😂

I'm now around 124 but I haven't weighed myself in a week.

I've been doing work to fix my diastasis recti and doing a lot of yoga to help.

I've started crunches (now that my DR is about a finger width smaller and almost considered normal range)

I fell off the band wagon with weight loss and exercising the past week and a half or so.

So I'd love to hear what you guys are doing to lose the pregnancy pounds and/or fix a mommy pouch.