I need to vent ladies


I'm sorry it's gonna sound silly. I'm 22.4 weeks. Yesterday I got so sunburnt from only 2 hours outside. I'm a lobster and it's so painful, I've tried cool and warm showers and aloe and it's not helping. I'm home alone right now because my husband had a last minute shift at work he took. My parents are 50+ minutes away and I'm in tears because I can't reach my sunburn to but vinegar, or aloe or anything on it. And on top of it my feet are so swollen today and I've barely had any salt intake today if any at all. (Especially the foot I had surgery in 5 years ago.) I'm miserable. It's 6:20 and my husband doesn't get home until 8. I called my mom to vent and she's with my grandma, aunt, and dad and literally everyone started yelling at me to do different things. I was overwhelmed again I can't reach my sunburn so how am I supposed to do anything. So I hung up and started crying. Then she texted me yelling at me because I hung up on them. I'm over this pregnancy and the hormones 😭 picture of my sunburn and feet for reference of why I'm miserable.