Teeth rotting out of her head

My husband’s relative has a daughter my daughters age (~4) whose 4 front teeth and 4 bottom are literally black from rot. I’m shocked because they have no concern about it and have not bothered to see the dentist. They have a son my own sons age (1.5 years) and even though his teeth are not nearly in bad shape as he’s still so little, I’m concerned. She posted him drinking a Starbucks matcha Frappuccino...And they are having another baby next month. I don’t feel right continuing to ignore this and want to call CPS to at least get their daughter proper dental care before she has more issues but my husband thinks we should stay out of their business as he thinks they will suspect us right away. What can I do? I bought them dental care stuff but it is far too late for that I’m afraid and I don’t think they have bothered to use it.

EDIT: We have definitely spoken to them about it already.

EDIT 2: Yes we have definitely had her spend the night with us which is when I bought her things to brush. However the next day they left out of town without letting us know and she stayed another day because of that. We had tried to drop her off and they weren’t answering their phone...There’s a lot more to this than I’ve stated but main concern is dental because it can definitely affect adult teeth or infection.