Jen • #TTC #ASAP Married to the love of my life!

I'm a hot mess over here and I know it

I tha k the Lord my husband loves me so much he can handle me. I had my mirena out December 23rd and January 1st I started taking 4 folic acid daily and my prenatal and weened off me anxiety meds and my ADHD meds. I refuse to have these meds in my body while prego. My doctors have switched me to insulin so we are prepared for when I finally am pregnant.

I'm overwhelmed because trying to deal with TTC, anxiety and ADHD without meds is killer. I also lost my job to other circumstances in March.

We decided to try preseed we will know un 7 days if it worked. I'm finding my anxiety to be too much and I'm super tired and irritable lately. I have very little patience too.

I just want to be a mom and work and be happy. Ok rant over for now.