Should events that have a history of getting out of hand be allowed to continue?


I live and grew up about 30min from Galveston, Texas. Since I was young they always held a "topless" weekend for Jeep owners at the start of Summer. This was just a fun weekend to enjoy the weather and the beach. However, the past couple years it has turned into anyone with a truck, jeep, etc. Turning up drinking way to much, partying, and trashing the beach. Due to events last year they called in additional law enforcement and EMS personnel from other counties to support. This year alone (Friday and Saturday), atleast 80 people were arrested, several fatal drink-drive related car crashes, 2 girls hit crossing the road 1 died, 1 man fell out the back of his truck and was run over, and a shooting at a beach after a fight went to far. Despite all of this they did NOT shut down the event, beaches, etc despite Galveston residents pushing for it. Now on Monday beaches are trashed and Galveston residents have to deal with it.

Should events that have a history of getting out of hand year after year be banned or highly regulated? Same has been asked about Spring Break, certain concerts, etc. Or do you go by the don't let a few bad apples ruin the bunch policy?