Pregnancy-Safe Medications


I tried Zoloft during the last trimester of my last pregnancy. The biggest thing I remember was that it depleted my sex drive, which I did not like (nor did my husband, ha). I’m in first trimester with this one, had to stop taking my Xanax for my sometimes debilitating anxiety, and was not on an antidepressant for some time prior to getting pregnant. The withdrawals from the Xanax were worse than I initially thought with my last two pregnancies. Currently, I’m experiencing nearly every symptom of depression, including the physical toll it can take on our bodies. I go to my doctor later this afternoon. Does anyone have any insight or experience?

I feel like depression and anxiety while pregnant are not talked about enough. The focus is very much placed upon the baby, when Mom’s health (including mental) is of the utmost importance.

Thanks for any support in advance, and thank you for taking the time to read.