Reading my second grade diary


First of all I’m so thankful that I have a job that lets me go home when weather is bad. For those of you who saw that, they came home because the high tornado threat went from high to even higher. We are in the pink. So I’m home and have worked out my safety plans and I’m distracting myself from the anxiety until 1pm.

I found this in storage when my mom told me I can go get my old dresser out of her storage. It’s my 2nd grade diary and I read it to my mom and my SO and we were laughing to the point of tears.

I’m going to try and.. translate lol. It says “my crush is *leaving out his name* I think he likes me and I know I like him. It’s kind of frightening cause it too soon to be sure. I think he likes me maybe even might LOVE. Should I be patient or should I ask him straight out. That smile he gave me doesn’t leave the room. (I don’t know what that means lmao) for..doubt? And I can’t predict what the future is gonna bring and those looks he’s been giving me can only mean one thing-that he likes me. (Pause. What looks can a 2nd grader give?AHHH ew😂😂😂) I think he might be the one. THE BEST IS STILL YET TO COME😂😂😂😂😂

Right below that “I HATE HIM!!!” And next page

“I had a crush on *** But I tried to give him a note and he did not take it. He said that he hated me and I said I had a crush on him BUT NOW ITS OVER. I hate him now and he can’t do anything about it. I hate him so I could RIP his dum DUMMY HEAD OFF. His is stupid and ugly and a jerk! It is over he is not my crush anymore!!!”

“The end. This diary is over. Now is the beginning.” 😂😂😂😂😂

I drew a middle finger!!! 😂😂😂

My 7 year old self was a hopeless romantic filled with rage lmao