Extremely irregular periods! Won't stop bleeding

I've had 5 periods in 2.5 months. The one I'm on now has lasted more than 2 weeks now. These are my first periods since I had my second baby via Csection (currently 10 months postpartum). I breastfed for 6 months.

This is sooo abnormal for me. Before kids, I would have a period every 2-4 months. Now, I won't stop bleeding. No clots, not saturating a pad in 1 hour. I made an appointment with my OB for Friday.

Has this happened to you or anyone you know? I don't know what it is. I have no underlying issues whatsoever. Could this be a hormonal issue? Stress? Need a different birth control pill? I keep Googling it and can't find one person who this has happened to.

(Any questions will be posted here.)