Friday 5/10/19 was supposed to be another normal NST doctor visit

Friday 5/10/19 was supposed to be another normal NST doctor visit. And with me being 37 weeks I was looking forward to finding out how much, if any. I had dilated. But during my vitals check the nurse informed me of my elevated blood pressure. Since I've been dealing with hypertension I just assumed that my meds hadn't kicked in yet. When the second check still showed elevation my doctor (she's awesome) came in to tell me I had to go to the hospital. I truly wasn't ready. My bags were half packed. My husband was at work and I didn't want to have my baby until my husband's birthday 5/18. Nevertheless i called mom and she came to pick me up and off to the hospital we go. I'm still keeping hope alive that I will be sent home after my pressure is stabilized. No such luck. The nurses in triage let me know my baby would be born soon to be on the safe side. The induction process started and family showed up for support. This had to be the longest 20 hours of my entire life. After progressing to 8 cm the doctor decided to do a c-section because the progression had stopped completely. Saturday 5/11 at 11:28am I gave birth to my princess Zuri 6 lbs 8 5 oz 19 inches long. I've never experienced love at first sight until that moment. She's perfect for me. We finally got to go home 5 days later because of my pressure. Looking at her I don't regret one minute and would be willing to do it all over again. Plus she's the best Mother's Day gift a woman can get😍😍😍