Advice / please help

My boyfriend and I had broke up during the beginning of March. I went out drinking and had sex with someone. Yeah, I got pregnant. (After being told by multiple doctors I probably wouldn’t be able to due to health issues.) My boyfriend and the guy are both aware. I let them know as soon as I found out I was pregnant. I already feel like crap about it, so please no criticism.

I had sex with R on the 9th. Not sure if a condom was involved or anything because I was super drunk. I don’t remember the night at all. My boyfriend and I got back together the 11th. We had sex the 15, 16, 17 and so forth.

Who do you think it’s likely I got pregnant by? I will be getting a dna test done once the baby is here, but was hoping someone could help me figure this out. 😐

Took a test on March 23 and it was negative. Test on April 2 was positive.

Original due date was Dec 5 until my first scan. It changed to Dec 10. Had a scan on April 23 and I was exactly 7 weeks. Had a scan today, May 20, and baby was measuring 11w4d.