What would you do?

So before I found out I was pregnant my friend asked me to be her maid of honor. As selfish as its sounds, I wouldn't have agreed if I knew i was going to end up pregnant and having a baby (a lot of responsiblity which is hard with a baby)


Her bachelorette party is rolling up in a few weeks and I am hosting it (20 ish people) it's going to be held at her mother in laws, with yard games, drinking, food etc.

It should be fun, but she made it very clear to me she really wants me to be drunk and stay the night. I am honestly all for it other than I am not ready to be away from my baby girl just yet for a night. She is EBF and refuses bottles, and she knows her mommy. She gives her daddy a hard time with bottle feeding and will scream and scream until I get home just to breastfeed. She co sleeps with me and will not go to sleep until I am laying down with her. Shes my little mini me and is stuck to my hip. Which I dont mind, other than my good friend the bride's wishes..

I have horrible anxiety over this, and I am thinking about telling her I will still host it, but I dont think I am going to "get drunk" and that I plan on staying until 11pm or so and still hosting everything but after that I might sneak off back home, and come back early in the morning to clean up. By 11 PM everyone should be either drunk or heading home I would think so I dont think it would be a big deal if I leave. But I am terrified my friend will be pretty upset with me, but I need to put my baby first. (She doesnt have any kids)

What would you do?

If you were the bride, would you be upset with me?

Thanks in advance!