Worried about my 5 year old


Yesterday morning I was sitting down on the couch and my son jumped on the couch and I happened to get a glimpse of his throat. His tonsils were touching his uvula! I panicked! We gave him Benadryl to see if it would help. We did this because he didn’t have any other symptoms. He wasn’t having a hard time breathing, he wasn’t coughing, no itching, no redness anywhere. He was perfectly fine. He was getting a little stuff but nothing scary. We decided to take him to the ER. They saw us right away and they said he was fine. His step test came back negative and they told us to give him allergy medication. I explained to them that every month my son end up getting sick. Literally every month guys, we were taking him in at first but when we would get to the dr they would say keep up the good work mom you’re doing everything you need to for him. I’m worried. This is my baby and I know this isn’t right. I need some advice. I’m sorry for the pictures but I need to vent and share this with you all. My next step is to get an allergy test done because today his tonsils are still very swollen. This was what they looked like yesterday. He’s also wanting to eat like normal. He’s just stuffy today.

Below this text is what they look like today

UPDATE: We just got back from his Dr. appointment. We thought we were getting an allergy test but the dr said to try using Flonase and continue to give him Claritin first. Also she wants me to keep an eye out on his breathing while he’s sleeping. If his snoring is getting worse they want to take a sleep test. I guess he’s at that age where most kids tend to have bigger tonsils. We’ll see how the Flonase does for a month 🤷‍♀️