My birth story


Hello brave mammas! I just want to say that I was pretty scared on the inside about the delivery. I had an amazing pregnancy, no symptoms, just the weigh gain lol. My biggest fear was having a 4th degree tear without an epidural.... anyhow, I woke up in the middle of the night with vague pelvic pressure, not pain, just felt like I was going to have my period.

Luckily I had my OB visit the same morning and was told I was 3cm and thin. Great! I went grocery shopping, had brunch with girlfriends, had lunch with hubby, did laundry, vacuumed, ran more errands... the contractions were building up in intensity but i didn’t feel they were painful at all. Until 5pm. It was like a light switch had gone off, the contractions were painful but certainly not the most pain I’ve felt. We got to the hospital at 6pm, the nurses were so slow to take me to triage, one even said “it’s your first, you don’t seem that uncomfortable, this may take a while” 😒. In my head I’m thinking “lady, you want me to scream bloody murder?!”. Luckily my OB came immediately and I was already 8-9cm. The anesthesiologist was super sweet and gave me to option of having the epidural. I thought about it... figured since I came this far, I just want my baby out. Natural it was!

I had him out shortly after 7pm. He was 8lbs on the dot, and no tears!!!! Labor was painful but totally manageable. It was literally the happiest day of my life. It was such an amazing experience and I can’t wait for all mammas to experience it.