Embarrassing sex stories. Maybe tmi for some

Alright ladies lets have some fun.

Up until tonight i never really had an embarrassing moment or what I'd consider an embarrassing moment until now.

So me and him decide to do anal he got me all relaxed and everything were really are going at it. Im really into it to the point I was screaming and moaning in pleasure. Well i guess i got a bit to relaxed after cumming and actually shit on his dick. He stops and at first its like whyd you stop. He goes we need to get cleaned up. Im a bit confused at first and we go in the bathroom after realizing what happened it's like omg i can't believe that happened. And he just says go to the bathroom and we'll finish. We both go back into room and continue and after all was said and done he goes thats the first time I've ever had someone do that and it was pretty damn hot after the initial shock maybe we'll do it again