Should I tell him we’re out?


So my last AF was 4/30- 5/4.

I had two positive OPK test on 5/6 and 5/7 which I think I ovulated 5/8 or 5/9.

Well 6DPO from May 7th. I had cramping.

At 9dpo I have pinkish brown spotting.

10DPO I had medium flow bright red bleeding that settled in the toilet or when I wiped.

11 DPO- spotting again brown and pink by evening. Gone.

12DPO- bleeding gone and a BFN. OK COOL.

13DPO( today) minor back ache, no bleeding but I wiped and it’s a brownish and a little nauseous.

Am I out? My AF isn’t due until 5/23.

Ovulation bleeding? Implantation? Midcycle? Anyone ever have this but saw a BFP?

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