Does he like me?

okay so i have a bit of an issue and i’m not sure if this guy i like likes me back too. he is a great friend of mine and we joke around and tease each other a lot in class and sometimes i catch him staring at me but only for a split second and i’m not sure if it’s just my imagination. we joke around a lot in class and i dont know if it’s just friendly banter or something more. e.g. the other day in english i looked over at him and he was staring at me so i smiled at him and we just had like a mini staring competition for a while 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️.... i really like him and think he is gorgeous but don’t wanna mess things up because a) he is a good mate b) he is quite popular and while i get along with the populars i’m not necessarily one of them. Although he is quite shy he is quite flirty as well and it’s not just with me. i also have a feeling a few of my friends have a thing for him too and idk what to do. i asked my best friend if she liked him and she said she doesn’t she only likes him as a friend but i cant help but feel a little jealous when i see them together 🤦🏽‍♀️🤘🏼

side note: i recently broke up with my boyfriend of around a year (who was constantly convinced i liked my friend and not him although this was just because he was a cheat and was trying to catch me out with anything he could) and my friend supported me in breaking up with this guy even offering to tell my ex for me ... do you think this means anything?!?!

any advice would be appreciated thanks xxxx