What do I do!?

I met this guy online 5 years ago (not on a dating website; on a penpal sort of site) and we’ve grown super close.

We clicked the second we started messaging each other and totally became best friends! Until...he had a crush on me. Me being young and still cautious of talking to people online, I told him i didn’t feel the same way and he accepted that. Later on down the line (4 years later) we still talk every single day and tell each other everything! BUT...

I think I have a crush on him...

This past year he has just become super attractive to me and honestly he’s the kind of guy I want to marry (a bit ahead of myself I know but remember we’ve been super close friends for 5 years now)

He always tells me I’m beautiful and cute etc but I’m not sure if that’s just to be friendly and kind?

I’ve started throwing him little compliments too but im so bad at flirting he probably doesnt take them seriously or thinks I’m being sarcastic.

Now here comes another big BUT

He lives in another country...on the other side of the world.

I’m in the US and he’s in Australia.

I want to tell him how I feel but there’s three things stopping me..

1: What If he doesn’t feel the same way and it ruins our friendship due to the awkwardness of the situation?

2: If he *does* feel the same way how are we going to work around the distance thing. We’re both broke!

3: What If he doesn’t like what he sees when we eventually meet?

Yeah that’s right. We haven’t met yet. We’ve Skyped and talked on FaceTime etc but things are always different in person aren’t they!

Any advice anyone!?