Name dilemma


So we had a baby in October 2018 and are currently due with Baby #2 the end of this October. After we decided on #1’s name we were talking with family about what some of the other options had been and my niece (14 years old) said that she really liked one of the names that we almost used.

Fast forward to this last weekend and we were talking again about names and if the baby was a boy or girl. I had said a couple options but the one we liked the most was also the name she liked. Well we found out today that we are in fact having another girl. My other sister called and said that my niece said that she didn’t want us to use that name so she could use it someday.

So now I feel like we are stuck in a hard spot because if we use the name we like it will upset my niece but I don’t really love any other names.

Should we consider her feelings and skip the name or just use it knowing that she is only 14 and might not even use the name when it comes time for her to have kids?!?