My Sex Life after D&C

To get to the point before I go into detail, sex sucks now. My vagina is basically numb. Please tell me this gets better?! 4 weeks post procedure.

We’ve always had a very active sex life - like once a day couple. We waited until the bleeding stopped after my d&c for a missed miscarriage at ~10 weeks.

The first time we had sex, I was numb and the orgasm was painful.

I’ve always orgasmed through penetration only which turns out to have been mostly due to him using my cervix to do so. So I’ve been using my vibrator on my clit but it takes so much concentration that I’m silent, which is the opposite of normal for us. I would even be happy with no orgasm and just good SEX, but as I said, all I feel is pressure down there. No sensation whatsoever.

I’m literally DESPERATE to feel the connection of love making again but all I feel is aggravated and annoyed with my body and I feel like he thinks he isn’t doing something right which just makes me feel even worse.

Advice or anyone dealing with something similar welcomed!!!